Announcing the Nemasket Plein Air Festival prize winners for 2024!
The second annual Nemasket Plein Air Festival was judged by Middleboro artist L.E.Ashley (Lori).
I’d like to say that it was quite a process in judging this show; there were so many beautiful pieces, and not enough prizes. There was such thought involved, and a lot of drama, interest, and richness of color. I was very impressed with this group of work!— L.E. Ashley
I’d like to say that it was quite a process in judging this show; there were so many beautiful pieces, and not enough prizes. There was such thought involved, and a lot of drama, interest, and richness of color. I was very impressed with this group of work!— L.E. Ashley
First Place -$300
“Precinct St Foliage” by Middleborough artist James Reynolds
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“Precinct St Foliage” by Middleborough artist James Reynolds
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I chose this piece for 1st because it immediately stood out as a quintessential New England fall scene, easily recognizable as open land in East Middleborough. This sylvan landscape has a well thought-out composition and is technically well-done. There’s a gorgeous application of paint with glowing, vibrant colors which fascinate the eye. — L.E. Ashley
Second Place- $150
“Watcha Doing?” by Marshfield artist Dorothy Pentheny
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“Watcha Doing?” by Marshfield artist Dorothy Pentheny
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This painting came in at 2nd for me because it was different in creativity and color, and there was instant recognition of one of the “welcome goats” from the Soule Homestead. The moody Fall colors create a dramatic color-block effect in composition. This congenial scene keeps inviting the viewer back for another look.— L.E. Ashley
Third Place - $100
“Golden Light at the Bog” by Marshfield artist Maureen Vezina
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“Golden Light at the Bog” by Marshfield artist Maureen Vezina
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This piece came in at 3rd because of the emotion it invoked for me, which took me several passes by to identify. It’s an iconic Middleborough scene with a nice composition and pleasing format. The nicely done impressionistic background lends a feeling of warmth and familiarity, while the shadowed foreground gave me a strange chill of foreboding, perhaps of the not sodistant threat of winter.— L.E. Ashley
Honorable Mention #1
“The Herring Run Dam” by Taunton artist Amanda Sylvester
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“The Herring Run Dam” by Taunton artist Amanda Sylvester
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This painting deserves an honorable mention as a scene from Middleborough’s heritage, the herring run that draws people to it year after year. It has a pleasing composition and nice lighting on the spillway. The application of paint creates an engaging interest. There’s a palpable feeling of a pleasant but slightly crisp breeze on a sunny October day.— L.E. Ashley
Honorable Mention #2
“Nemasket Trees” by Sharon artist Tatiana Roulin
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“Nemasket Trees” by Sharon artist Tatiana Roulin
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This intriguing painting got an honorable mention for the amount of emotion it invokes as a moody scene with nice filtered sunlight. The peaceful view creates a sense of nostalgia for the simpler times of life - of fishing from the banks as a child, or floating gently by in a canoe. The scent of Fall leaves is apparent on the air.— L.E. Ashley